Happy Holidaze

Hi folks, Some recent writing updates on the go: •Please continue to pre-order The Repoetic: After Saint-Pol-Roux, which is out in the spring of 2023. It’s my first full-length book, and pre-order sales are huge for a book’s lifespan. Order it into your local and university libraries as well if you can, and if youContinue reading “Happy Holidaze”

Review: Two Books With Nice Green Covers.

Untangling Andreae Callanan’s “the debt” & Patrick O’Reilly’s “A Collapsible Newfoundland.” As I procrastinate preparations to return from Newfoundland to the nuzzle of foothills and the ugly Rocky Mountain wallpaper that is Alberta, I finally got ‘round to reading through two recent offerings from contemporary poets, Andreae Callanan (here in St. John’s), and Patrick O’ReillyContinue reading “Review: Two Books With Nice Green Covers.”

Review: sulphurtongue

Rebecca Salazar’s full-length debut works in a lot of really exciting, menacing ways, ways poetry coming from the highly-educated literarily-suffused world often does not work. In fact, the poetry embodies what the speaker in “Childless offspring” admits they want: “…I would prefer the ghosts / come out fully screaming just to prove / that theyContinue reading “Review: sulphurtongue”